“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Welcome to the Faith Outreach Center Website! We hope that you will find this as a great place to keep up to date on the latest from our church and ministries. Come and be a part of what God is doing! May God continue to bless you beyond measure.
George & Mickey Walters
We are starting to gather in the house of the lord. We are taking all safety measures to protect you and your family from this virus.
As the Lord will lead you, we are looking forward to see you in church.

Sunday Service:
Contact Us
Every Week-
Coffee & Fellowship: 9am
Bible Study: 9:30am
Morning Service: 10:45am
Special Children & Youth Services on Sunday mornings
Thursday Service:
Every Week-
Evening: 7pm
Special Children & Youth Services on Thursday evenings
Main: 813-887-3354
Fax: 813-881-1777
7607 Sheldon Road
Tampa, FL 33615
Help Those In Need
“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.”
[Proverbs 19:17]



Kid's Club
FOC Kids Club teaches children to put Jesus first in every aspect of life. By working together, the children form healthy relationships & develop positive feelings about themselves & others through bible lessons, arts & crafts, and more.
Classes, available for children 4-12 years of age, meet after the praise & worship portion of our Sunday morning & Thursday evening service. The classes are divided according to compatible age groups.
Impact Youth
Pastor Jaclyn is called to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to this generation and share with all youth a love for Christ and a passion for righteousness. She is committed to Christ and to teach this generation about the power of His Holy Spirit through the truth of His word, worship and ministry with real messages about real issues. This is all done through relationship building and through the love of God.
Young people, if you're between the 13-17 years of age, come and be a part of FOC's exciting Youth Group held on Thursday evenings at 7pm! Through regular meetings, camp-outs, mission trips, fund raising events & more, you will have a chance to meet others of your own age who understand what you are experiencing as a teen in today's society.

Wisdom Saints
If you are one of those "precious saints" called the "elderly", you can thank God, for you have arrived at the apex of life. You have arrived at the top of the mountain where you can breathe the rare atmosphere of a long life of experience, knowledge, & honor and have an excellent view that none of those below you have ever seen. You have crossed many bridges, passed many crossroads and have come out on top. The wrinkles in your face are marks of distinction that show character traits, laugh lines, & worries.
-You may have lost your whistle, but thank God, you can still breathe and have a sturdy heartbeat.
-Your beautiful gray hair marks you with honor.
the Bible speaks well of you when it says, "The beauty of old men is the gray head." Proverbs 20:29
Ages 55 & up, we gather together weekly during the Bible Study Hour & monthly meetings are scheduled for special activities, good times, & fellowship.
Senior Saints, come join us!!
Missions Program
Mark 16:15 says, "...Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
We are committed to fulfilling this great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through our Missions Program, we supply several opportunities for church members to be a part of carrying the Gospel into all the world. Each year we schedule several mission trips to give people a chance to see what the church is like outside of the United States.
Currently, we are financially and prayerfully supporting theses ministries:
Local Missions
Lighthouse Gospel Mission
The Women's Place
Prison Ministries (Abe Brown)
Prepare His Ways Ministries
Foreign Missions
Dream Center Int'l
Praise FM/ St. Vincent
United World Mission
THLE/ Dominican Rep

Faith Outreach Academy
Our duty and desire is to offer the children entrusted to our care the very best life preparation possible. A child's education is for the purpose of preparing him for the unique call of God on his life. Our desire is to work closely with the Christian home and church to ensure each child is fully equipped to face the life and ministry challenges that lie ahead (Ephesians 4:8-14).
We believe that the Christian school is an extension of the Christian home and that parents are responsible for the education of their children (Proverbs 22:6). Our duty is to assist Christian parents by making sure that the curriculum and methodology presented in the classroom is fully Christian.
Faith Theological Seminary & Christian College

From the inception of the vision for Faith Theological Seminary and Christian College, our President, Dr. George W. Walters, Jr., believed that the institution should have a four-fold purpose by providing the following:
A. A basic foundation for beginning Christians in the Word of God to gain confidence in their relationship with the Lord.
B. Training for service in the local church (whether for staff member or volunteer) as well as advanced training for older Christians to be able to provide support to the work of the ministry.
C. A program to prepare people for ministry as they sense God’s call on their life.
D. Advanced studies for the seasoned minister and the development of academic credentials for a life of ministry experience.
The educational training is focused on preparing and equipping the individual for religious vocations within the context of the local church, ministry opportunities outside of the church, and/or para-church organizations.